01 June 2021

Yet more books I read in Aug 2011

As I mentioned in a previous post, in 2011, I used to put quick lists of books I'd read on social media, and only moved to more detailed reviews later in life.

So here are a few summaries from those halcyon days. Latest posts first. Commenters (if any) anonymised.

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Just finished re-reading: The Money-changers by Arthur Hailey. This book was published in the 70s, and is still a good read. Arthur Hailey was renowned for his exquisite research and believable and engaging characters. (Contrast with a recently re-read Sidney Sheldon, whose characters were like something out of a sitcom trailer (not the sitcom itself, do note).) You may be pleasantly surprised how little the thinking in the 70s actually impinges upon the story. Worth a read. Rating: Very good.

Recently finished (re)reading: The Burning Wire by Jeffery Deaver. Rating: Excellent
Garden of Beasts by Jeffery Deaver Rating: Excellent
The Collectors by David Baldacci Rating: Very good
Risk by Dick Francis (re) Rating: Excellent

How this blog started: July 2011, listing books I read and what happened then

Somewhere in mid 2011, I started posting on Google+ (now, alas, defunct), listing books I was currently reading. People would occasionally post comments, or ask more about the books. So I started adding comments to the list, and eventually, it became detailed enough that I started this blog.

These are not the first of such posts, but they were some of the early ones. (Commenters have been anonymised, newest post is first).

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Currently rereading: The Collectors by David Baldacci. It's the sequel to The Camel Club. Somewhere in chapter 2, I realized, to my chagrin, that I wasn't reading it, I was re-reading it. Rats! But since I've forgotten whodunit though not howdunit (no longer being a teenager, I don't remember the plot, characters and everything else in fine detail), so it's ok.

Next up (probably): The Burning Wire by Jeffery Deaver

Recently finished (re)reading:
Risk by Dick Francis (re) Rating: Excellent
The Sky is Falling by Sidney Sheldon (re) Rating: Poor
The Camel Club by David Baldacci Rating: Very good

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Currently rereading Risk by Dick Francis

Next up (probably): The Burning Wire by Jeffery Deaver

Recently finished (re)reading:
The Sky is Falling by Sidney Sheldon
The Camel Club by David Baldacci
Vengeance of Ravana by Ashok K Banker

Should I stop posting this?
Will you hate me more if I continue or if I stop? :D


PGS: how's ravana?

Me: if you liked the other books, Ravana is fairly good; better than a couple of the previous books in the set but not the best. Banker doesn't like the idea that his beloved Rama banished his beloved Sita, so he changed the old story somewhat to reduce his cognitive dissonance. That said, Ravana's revenge as per Banker is breathtaking in its scope. Wow moment. Worth a read.

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Currently rereading The Sky is Falling by Sidney Sheldon

Recently finished reading:
The Camel Club by David Baldacci
Vengeance of Ravana by Ashok K Banker

But you don't care, do you?


SB: If you haven't read his books yet, I recommend Murakami after you're done with your current book.

Me: What book do you recommend I start with?

SB: 'Underground' - slightly one-sided but it was a good read.

Me: Sounds heavy. I just read the summary. :-O

SB: Hmmn...Ok. How about 'Roots' - Alex Haley?

Me: Oh, Roots I read decades ago. :-)
I've also read about the controversy that it was largely plagiarised from previous authors' works. ;-)