26 July 2020

A collection of 'It's ok' aka 2-star stories (Part 2 of 2)

I've often wondered what to do about stories that I classify as 'It's ok' (2 stars out of 5) or worse. Should one review them for the sake of the unsuspecting public, or should one veil them in the shadows to spare the authors a severe downrating?

Anyhow, I've decided to review them anyway. Unsuspecting public, take a bow. Please remember, YMMV. You may like different stuff than me. I picked up all these because they were rated at 4 stars or better by at least two reviewers, plus the blurb and/or the cover art looked interesting.

Science fiction | Redeemed | Steve Matthew Benner

A political story. Other than featuring alien species, not sci fi. And given that those are humanoid to the extent of sharing mistresses with the hero, not all that alien either.

What's with writers who assume future rulers will all be male only and also be so incompetent in relationships as to need to buy the services of prostitutes?

I wasn't too impressed with a hero who apparently established a record of integrity over two decades, was fooled by his boss in the intro scenes and then proceeds to lie and scheme for the duration of the story. It doesn't gel.

The story proceeds smoothly enough if you accept these premises.

You can get it here. Still free.

The MeekHorror/science fiction | The Meek | Brian S Wheeler

It's grim. Four misshapen people push a drill across the desert to attack the fatcats who shifted to virtual reality and left behind flying buzzkills to kill the rest of humanity which was too poor to transition. One of the four is a hacker. Only two stars because I couldn't relate to any of the characters or the ending.

It's no longer available on Smashwords.

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